I help ambitious women thrive in relationships, careers, and life.

 I know your schedule has limited free time, but before you jump back into that never-ending to-do list. Set a timer on your phone for 2 minutes, skim the homepage, and see if I’m the right person to walk with you through the messy season of life that you are in.

Virtual Therapy anywhere in North Dakota.

In a messy middle season of life…

Feeling tense, frazzled, and irritated by anything unexpected that comes your way. Losing yourself in relationships, motherhood, and your career. Maybe your needs don’t even make it on the list of priorities. Even the dog gets a bathroom break before you.

After a long workday, you’d like to scream into your pillow! “If one more person in my life needs something from me…I’m gonna lose it!”

“Just this once can’t I put away my magic wand and not feel responsible for everything” But you tell yourself…that isn’t possible. If you don’t have your poop in a group, everything and everyone will self-destruct.

It seems like your friends read the same self-help books and keep recycling the same hallmark greeting card quotes to you.

If it were as simple as repeating a phrase, you’d click your heels like Dorothy and find yourself living in the moment more.

Holy guacamole!

Picture this, you’ve been in therapy for a few months, you’ve added routines that are all about YOU. The best part…. you’re feeling fully confident in managing these new routines on top of your other responsibilities. 

Imagine feeling like Wonder woman determined and confidently walking through the chaos. (life’s stormy moments that feel like such a mess = the chaos).

It’s been a while…(cue Staind song) since you’ve started a conversation with, “I’m not proud of the way that I responded, that wasn’t really about you.”

And no more guilt trips party of…. just you, even after you’ve apologized for how you reacted. That’s a thing of the past!

You’ve also ditched all the internal drama that happens when your world gets flipped upside down by unexpected circumstances. 

Now you’re a shining example of what treating yourself with love daily looks like. Your own stamp of approval is the one that matters most.

Instead of feeling fearful and full of dread, you’re like a storm chaser full of thrill and confidence as you ride out life’s storms. 

All Aboard the change train!

The person you were before therapy feels like a lifetime ago. Progress is finally happening faster than ever before! All aboard the change train!

Our sessions will provide you with exactly what you need to start seeing the change you’ve been wishing for. Together we will turn your goals into tangible habits that lead to real results, that ripple into all the areas of your life!

It’s hard to believe how easy it was for you to open up to this virtual stranger. Without the vulnerability hangover…and you actually look forward to our next session. Pinch me, this has got to be a dream!

Who’s that girl…..

Ready to put yourself first, for maybe the very first time in your life?