Therapy for Ambitious Women

AKA: putting your oxygen mask on first.

Are you a highly driven person with a plate that’s always overloaded?

If you answered…“all the freakin’ time.” Then you’re in the right place, Welcome!

Do you often receive praise for being a highly organized person with planning skills that impress those around you?

We both know these traits best describe the part of you that feels so much pressure to be perfect.

Perfectionism is the name of the game.

While it scores you major brownie points at work, in relationships, and when things need to get done. For you, it’s extremely exhausting to always be on point!

And just like that… you’re finally making that salary you’ve been drooling over for 5 years.

You finally said no to doing every household chore and what’d ya know your partner and kids are doing them! (Insert happy dance)

You just got back from the most epic weekend getaway in Minneapolis with your girlfriends.

Let’s not even mention the all-you-can-eat chips & salsa or the bottomless mimosas. What happens in the cities stays in the cities. (Wink, wink)

I’m your gal to help you put yourself first and find creative solutions to make things happen!

Imagine having a go-to gal who is always there to support you as you face some of life’s most uncertain moments.

What would it mean for you to no longer say, “I know I need to take better care of myself.” But for your actions and daily life to reflect someone who balances both.

Being a caregiver and giving that same level of care to yourself.

Even on the days that life throws curve balls, you get creative because that’s who you are.

You always pour yourself a tall and strong cup of grace and refuse to let your self-care get tossed aside.

A few things we can dig into:

  • Big life changes (both expected and unexpected)

  • Being in a season of waiting (for what you don’t have/changing what you do have)

  • Improving your self-esteem

  • Your career or making a complete career change

  • Taking care of yourself while in school or going back to school

  • Finally feeling good enough

  • Putting yourself first

  • Reconnecting to your self-identity (after divorce, a breakup or life transition)

  • Exploring challenges within your relationships (with family, friends, or a partner)

You can be ambitious AND prioritize slowing down for some self-care.

It is possible to hustle hard for your dreams and enjoy the satisfaction of not having plans.

If you’re still here! Perhaps that’s a sign…or maybe you really like hanging with me!

I’m here for that! Why not make this hang sesh official and turn it into a scheduled virtual meet-up?!