Therapy for Anxiety

Virtual Therapy from (literally) anywhere in North Dakota.

A ball of anxiety…

To those around you, you appear very much together. Meanwhile, on the inside, you feel like you’re having multiple silent panic attacks. It feels exactly like trying to hold in a really big sneeze.

Or maybe anxiety for you feels like getting a big pit in your stomach or an elephant sitting on your chest.

You feel on edge, jittery like you could jump right out of your skin. Just to break free from all the icky physical feelings.

Anxiety pops up over everyday things, mistakes you’ve made, circumstances that don’t go according to plan, or an unexpected event that adds more to your plate.

You wonder how on earth people manage to take things in stride and move through life seemingly unconcerned.

Perhaps they’re robots, or maybe they’ve discovered the easy button that disables all anxiety.

And here you are dodging anxiety bombs of varying sizes and when they do go off, it leaves you feeling an overstimulated mess.

Fighting to find peace…

Hear me out…for most of us, we’ve been taught and told that anxiety is something we need to avoid and get rid of forever.

What if the only thing to get rid of is all the ways we are fighting with and resisting our feelings.

What if instead of fearing or avoiding anxiety, you made room for the feelings.

What if you could find a way to be completely willing to feel and be aware of anxious reactions in your mind and body, without being consumed by them.

Together our anxiety work will focus on doing things differently!

The goal of our work will be to try and increase your ability to co-exist with your anxiety. To think of anxiety as a non-issue.

Call me your anxiety godmother!

I can bring some lightness and humor to anxiety and help you soothe the storm.

I know exactly what it’s like to have anxiety and what it takes to help you!

I’ll help you get curious so we can go straight to the root cause so you can change the way you interact with life’s most anxious moments.

It really is okay to feel anxiety…

Anxiety has been labeled the most common ‘disorder’ worldwide. It is a normal part of being alive.

It becomes a disorder or issue with all the ways that we try to control, avoid & distract. (Worrying about all the what-ifs is just one of the many distraction methods our brain uses)

Your anxiety will rise, linger, and fade away no matter what we do. And ideally, it would be nice for that pattern to play out without having to wrestle with your anxiety.

Ready to change your relationship with anxiety?

I’m here to help you do just that….and so much more!

You’ve got this!

You’re a badass!

Let’s find the path of least resistance for you and watch epic stuff happen!